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John Woodsworth

Ottawa (Canada), Sunday 28/8/2016

I was especially struck by your reference to the "wider perspective", and the fact that translation is far more than linguistic code-shifting. To me, as apparently to you, it involves drawing upon all the cues available from the CONTEXT in its broadest sense (linguistic, situational and cognitive). What you say confirms the axiom that just as "reading is only incidentally visual" (as Paul Kolers maintained in his 1968 article of that title), communication is only incidentally linguistic. Thanks for an intelligent and enlightening discussion.

Mark Herman

A very good interview with Geraldine Brodie, emphasizing three points often ignored by non-translators: that literary translation in general and theatrical translation in particular requires far more than linguistic code shifting (that is, merely consulting a dictionary); that such translations often involve two stages, a literal translation and a finished translation, and that the two stages may be carried out by the same or different translators; and that the route to becoming a translator is often indirect.

(Mark Herman is the co-author of "Translating for Singing: The Theory, Art and Craft of Translating Lyrics", London: Bloomsbury: 2016)

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