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Sarah Diligenti

There is no example after 2004, and even that is only a Walt Disney movie.
The article is either old (as in publishe some years ago) or whomever wrote it has not been in touch with what has been going on in the world since 2004...
Generalizing by saying all the French love Monty Python or Absolutely Fabulous is taking a risk at French backlash. Not all French people fall for sarcasm, and French cynicism is very different from British humor.
A lot of French people recognize themselves more in that old British series called "Are you being served?" because of the sexual innuendos, closer to French humor than the surrealistic Monty Python. If John Cleese made the French laugh, it was more for Faulty Towers and A Fish Called Wanda than the lampoons like Life of Brian or the Holy Grail. Mr. Bean is preferred to Rowan Atkinson's role as Black Adder, for instance...
American humor such as Seinfeld is appreciated amongst the French intellectual elite.
But mostly French prefer their own people: Gad Elmaleh is the new Fernand Raynaud, like Boujjenah had been back in the 80s.

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